Looking for a super fun activity filled camp for kids this summer? Jump into WSTC KidZone!

About KidZone
KidZone provides a full day of fun with activities for children ages 4-10 enjoying the club with swim and tennis activities without a parent/caregiver being on site.
Chose a swim lesson OR swim team to accompany tennis lessons. In addition to swim and tennis, kids enjoy crafts, games, theme weeks, competitions and other activities to round out their KidZone day.
KidZone runs 9am until 2pm, Monday through Thursday
- Kids can also participate in their swim and tennis activities on Friday if they have adult supervision with them during the activity.
- PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING! Towels, clothes, swimsuits, shoes, lunch bags, water bottles, goggles, etc. to help us ensure everyone returns home with their belongings. Lost items without labels will be placed in the Lost & Found.
- Kids must be 4 years old to start.
- Parents please provide a NUT FREE lunch daily for your child.
- Each session is limited to 25 campers.
- KidZone Director and Executive Director will determine if KidZone will be held during rainy or stormy weather.
- KidZone is a peanut / tree-nut free program. Counselors are Epi-pen certified.
Email questions to: kidzonedirector@waylandswimandtennis.com